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Atsakymų: 3
sKillit (prieš 794 savaites) | Cituoti | |
Tai cia galbut ne telefono klaidos, tiesiog gal zaidimai/programos yra su klaidom ir neveikia, arba nera skirtos tavo telefonui. Pabandyk pagal savo telefono modeli susirasti internete zaidima ir parsisiusti. Idomu, ar tapacia klaidele mes ar nea | |||
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Fcuk the teacher,
fcuk the school, fcuk is crazy, fcuk is cool! |
to_skillit (prieš 790 savaites) | Cituoti | |
visvien neleidzia kad ir pritaikyta butent tam telefonui.. tarkim aš ikeliu, ir man net neatidaro tų aplankų žaidimai/programos | |||
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Arifin (prieš 465 savaites) | Cituoti | |
those new features reuecdd the difficulty of the game, and makes it no challenge to JUST survive. that's true.but there are lot of ways to make it harder and also visually more interesting/exciting, such as very-fast dropping speed (a.k.a. 20G) (which also implements lock delay, wallkick, that also made half hole fixing possible/easier).also one may play in more ways. hold box and next queue let making real-time perfect clear and even tetris patterns easier (or say possible?) (but still need a lot of thinking!), which is a bit too hard and luck-dependent without these things. there are video of building NES Tetris playaround pattern, needs very hard TAS, according to the TAS-er's introduction.well, as for newbies, if one is still struggling for survivor, he/she might not pay attention even to the first preview piece.btw infinite spin issue is now updated to limiting a number of on-land moves, which forces the piece to lock when it reached the limit. although in some special cases, player may still spin infinitely without landing, using SRS wallkick. | |||
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