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Atsakymų: 6

A&B (prieš 862 savaites) |
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Na, kad madinga tai nemanau. Tiesiog kai kam patinka toks stilius ir tiek.
Vieniems vienoks stilius patinka, kitiems kitoks, viskas norm. |

živilė (prieš 838 savaites) |
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nu,aš tau nepatarčiau būti gotu,nes visi galvos ,kad tu esu debilė aš nenustebčiau jie tu debilė ir esi. |

Merertu (prieš 679 savaites) |
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Saya ingin bnrateya, adakah blackberry boleh mendengar radio fm selain drp terengganu fm? misalnya era fm, hot fm & radio2 yg ada di malaysia? |

Fleurimond (prieš 477 savaites) |
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THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIALS HAVE BEEN COPIED FROM OUR OLD WEBSITE AND ADDED TO OUR NEW WEBSITE IN BULK SO THEY MIGHT REFLECT A COMMON POSTING DATE.My story on the Black and Blue Balm is really amziang. I was walking through my great room one morning and hit my upper thigh (on the outside) on a table corner. I hit it really hard so I knew it would be a very ugly and leave a painful bruise. I immediately applied the Black and Blue Balm. It was unbelievable how it only barely bruised and was not painful at all. Thanks NuwatiSubmitted by: PattiI was visiting the Grand Canyon from NZ and brought this product to try on my veins, I noticed a huge difference it is such a beautiful and effective product.Submitted by: vikkiI gifted my sister with this lovely balm and she noticed a significant reduction in her spider veins and redness in both lower legs. Great product-it smells good too.Submitted by: fancymtmemAbout a year ago I purchased the Black and Blue Balm in a little shop in New Mexico. I really do like it and it seems to work because my legs get bruises on them all the time. Thank you Nuwati Herbals!!!Submitted by: AnonymousWell, this balm is wonderful to say the least. My daughter applied it to her shoulder because she has a messenger bag for a book bag. The strap has been digging into her skin, making it turn purple and blue almost to the point of bleeding. She complained of it and I bought it for her to use. She applied it to her shoulder. Since then, she had no trouble with it. This balm has worked wonders. It's amziang how you think that God can provide such an amziang array of gardens on this earth, and all someone has to do is do what these people at Nuwati Herbals have done and make it into a balm; whereas a doctor can prescribe something that doesn't work at all. If it does, not effectively as Nuwati. Thanks Nuwati Herbals!Submitted by: horsegal_064I wanted to share something with you. I have a compound bow that l like to target practice with. My daughter and I attended a women's outdoor camping activity and were sighting in our bows. Unfortunately, I didn't stick to my regular routine of preparation and as I shot it, the string hit my forearm. It was painful and I knew it would bruise. This happened multiple times throughout the weekend. The bruising started right away, reaching from my wrist to my elbow. Once we got home, I decided to use Nuwati's Black and Blue Balm on the injury to see what would happen. I was completely amazed and delighted when, after daily application for several days, the bruise was gone! The impact spot was still tender, but there were no visible signs of bruising at all. I have never seen a bruise disappear so quickly. Thank you so much for such a wonderful product! I will be ordering more. I would recommend your wonderful teas and balms and products to anyone!Submitted by: AsiaThank you for taking good care of us! We received our order of Black and Blue Balm and Indian Blanket Balm. We are looking forward to trying both of them!a0Submitted by: Dan Terri S. |